Monday, July 25, 2011

One More Week of Work!

     I am sad and excited about this coming week. It will be our last week of work and last chance to invite coworkers to different events and share the Gospel. I love being here and I am excited to continue to have great conversations with co-workers. I enjoy talking with them and I have made a few friends that I am really going to miss!
    Please pray that we will love them with the love of Christ and have opportunities to share the Gospel with our coworkers in the days to come.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Word Is Alive!

Since I have been on project I have really grown to appreciate the Bible. I have a hunger to read the word, to dive into it and pick it apart. And I love that its the only book that answers all of my questions, that leaves me refreshed, sometimes encouraged and convicted all at the same time. I love Hebrews 4:12: For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Please pray that this project as a whole would have a love, appreciation and longing for the word of God. Pray that we will be thankful that the word of God is alive and so powerful!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

SCSP 2011

      I just wanted to take some time to say how awesome the Lord is!! I absolutely love everyone on this Santa Cruz Summer Project! we are all such great friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. I love that the Lord picked each and every one of us to be here, to share the gospel and do life together. I feel like I can never say thank you enough to the Lord for allowing me to come on this project! Ahhh its crazy.
     This trip so far has been such an interesting and fun season of my life.
This season in my life has been one of growth, trials, learning to trust the Lord, prayer, leading, following, serving, and learning to love. This has been one of the seasons where the Lord has been teaching me what His heart breaks for, what He delights in, and what and who He is at work in. This city is so different. This city is so in need of Christ, love, and forgiveness.
 Prayer: Thank you Lord so much for allowing me to come here and allowing me to be a part of what You are doing here. Jesus you are awesome!

Beautiful Blessings!

Abby, Bev, Brooke, Kaylie, and Brittany
I just wanted to take the time to explain how thankful I am to have the opportunity to be here in Santa Cruz, California. Some days I am still so surprised and in awe of the fact that I am here. I am so thankful that the Lord led me here, that He guided me, and walked this path before me. He orchestrated every tiny detail of this project, from my schedule every week so that I can meet different co-workers to when and where we do outreaches and what student we are paired with. I love that even though the Lord is so big that He cares about the little tiny details. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to be here, to learn to serve the Lord, love others well, and to be mission minded daily. I am so thankful for the girls that He has placed me with. My roommates and I get along very well. We are learning to encourage and love one another well. Each is so absolutely different and beautiful.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


    I will persevere by the power of the Holy Spirit. I know that this summer was going to stretch me and that I was going to learn and grow and I knew that the Lord was going to allow trials to come while I am on this project.  I am so thankful to know that the Lord has promised not to give us more than we can handle and I am so thankful for His word, for His promises.
   And we know that in ALL things God works for the GOOD of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose!- Romans 8:28

Sisters in Christ

Kaylue, Brooke, Brittany, Bev, and Abby ready for a party!
    I just wanted to share with y'all a little about my roommates!
    I am living with four other girls, Abby, Brooke, Brittany and Kaylie. I love these girls, they are so awesome! It has been so awesome to learn how to love them well and be around them. I love that we are all so different and yet we get along! Ahhh! I love it! These girls are so fun to be around and are serious about learning more about the Lord and sharing the gospel.
    Pray that we will learn to love each other well and be encouraging to one another in word and deed. please pray the following:

   Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

Praise Reports from Santa Cruz

    I never realized until about a couple of days ago that there is a real, intense, battle going on here in Santa Cruz and all around the world. A battle for people's souls and lives. I never realized that the reason I am probably so tired is because we are here in enemy camp ground. We have chosen to be the Lord's soldiers and we are in the middle of the most intense battle ever.
    This project has really been encouraging one another to be in prayer and I think that one thing I will take back to campus is having an attitude and daily mindset of prayer.
    The Lord has been giving me different eyes while I've been here. I've been noticing relationships all the time. I'm constantly around different groups or people and families and the Lord has opened my eyes to broken relationships while I've been here. I don't understand why He is allowing me to see these things or feel these feelings. I've been feeling what kids feel, what parents feel while I'm at work. I've seen people cry, not be loving or kind to their kids and to other people around them even though they are all here together, most people here in vacation.  I don't understand why the Lord is allowing me to see these things but sometimes I feel so hopeless and hurt by the things I here and see while I'm at work. I feel a burden and tired. One of my sisters in Christ, a really wise woman in the Lord told me that because I've been in prayer while at work for my co-workers that is probably the reason that I am physically tired because there is an invisible battle going on for the souls of the people here in Santa Cruz.

   Please pray that the Lord will just give us all rest here as we are living for the Lord and being Christ's soldiers. I am so thankful that He is here with us and that He will never leave me nor forsake us. I am so thankful and honored to be one of Christ's soldiers.