Saturday, April 28, 2012

Taking It Slow

As your feet go, go, go you are saying, "no, no no."
As I whisper softly, "slow, slow, slow,"
"for I have things to show," and "if you would just rest you would know, as you come there is food for your soul."
    Often times I believe my heart cry has been "no," towards the Lord as He is saying "slow, slow slow," because He has things that He wants to teach me if I would only enter into His presence.
    I may have somewhat of a peaceful and calm personality, but I most definitely am completely restless before the Lord. I feel as though I am just now learning the importance of being still in His presence and how to do that. I am learning to have a heart and a physical position similar to Mary's.
     Mary sat at Jesus Christ's feet, ready to learn, she knew how to physically be still before the Lord.  Mary for sure was a Psalm 46:10 woman.
    Often times in my life I have been so busy and decided to cut out my quiet time. The Lord has so much He wants to teach and show us, He totally wants to minister to our hearts, and I don't want to miss out on sweet time with the Lord.
    I am very excited to continue to learn what it means to sit at His feet. I know that if I do not slow down and sit at His feet I will miss what it is God wants to teach me. I hope you are encouraged to slow down, get in the Lord's presence, and simply being still and quiet before Him. Nothing is more beautiful or satisfying than to commune with our Creator.

Isaiah 48:17 
This is what the Lord says--
Your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."

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