Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Week Three

 It is week three of the Thankful Thursday Series! Yay, time to slow down and reflect!
for my little blue rusty bicycle.

Really and truly my classes are not far from my dorm and neither is the library, but I can get everywhere much faster. now. I love exploring campus and the surrounding area, its relaxing and fun. There is a beautiful park nearby I love riding over to to have my quiet times. 
A year or so ago my mom purchased this little cheap craigslist find and little did I know it would be a wonderful blessing. Thanks mom!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Wide

   I felt as if I'd been left to stand in front of a red curtain while life unfolded on the other side. While I waited and prayed He was making broken things beautiful. 
  He whispered that He was healing in ways I couldn't see or understand.
  About ten months later He called me a little closer and drew the curtain wide open and I was amazed at all the restoration, clarity, joy and delight He brought to the situation.

Five Minute Friday

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday Week Two

It is week two of the Thankful Thursday Fall 2012 series! 
for God's financial provision for college.
I struggle with doubt when it comes to trusting that Christ will provide. He is faithful! 

I'll leave you with this challenging and beautiful verse:
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Focus

Five Minute Friday   I am having a very difficult time focusing. There are many thoughts swirling around in my head and when I bring in my to do list, focusing on what I need to be doing and doing just that can be overwhelming.
   I've been thinking about how and when to approach a particular conversation I would like to have with someone I really care about, what to do with my major post graduation, trying to make sense of the option to take on a second minor, relationships, how to walk through life with friends, outreach opportunities I should've taken and the ones I need to take, summer plans, the possibility of somehow making an impact in the fight to eradicate human trafficking, thankful thoughts about being in college and living on campus, my family, my selfishness and pride, the Word, and the presence of God.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thankful Thursday Week One

As a part of this blog series titled, Thankful Thursdays I will be focusing on one blessing for the next eleven weeks.
for a wonderful community of genuine Christ followers. 
    The Lord has graciously blessed me with friends here in college and across different states that love Him and love others well. These friends kneel before the Lord on behalf of the beloved and the lost and with the beloved and the lost. It is refreshing to be a part of this community to do life with. 
     I enjoy seeing a familiar sister or brother in Christ loving on others and smiling as they walk through campus. There's nothing like seeing Christ's love and joy being poured out on this campus by a wonderful community of genuine Christ followers. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday List Fall 2012

I am thankful Jesus has blessed me with...
1. a wonderful community of genuine Christ followers
2. financial provision to be a student in college who also lives on campus
3. a cute little bike that helps me get around this beautiful place
4. kind roommate and a peaceful dorm room atmosphere
5. a voice/vocal chords to be able to communicate with others
6. helped me to have a peace about who He has created me to be
7. opening my eyes to different ways in which I can worship Him throughout the day
8. showing me the significance of slowing down and how to do just that
9. direction to new places to go and communities to be a part of during this new season
10. purposeful/prayerful relationships where I can share about my life with who will not only pray for me, but with me
11. An actual RELATIONSHIP with Jesus- the blessing and joy of going deeper with Jesus. The intimacy and joy of going deeper with Jesus Christ.

This is a list I compiled during my quiet time a few days ago. For the next eleven weeks I will be attempting to focus on one of these each week.
What are you thankful for today on this Thankful Thursday? Ponder the answers and/or comment in the comment box

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thankful Thursdays to Come!

This Thursday I plan to post a very long entry, not to worry there is a method to the madness. I would like to make a list of what I am thankful for and then dive further into each blessing in the weeks to come. Would you like to join me for the first series on this blog that is oh so cleverly titled, Thankful Thursdays? If you are inspired or perhaps encouraged to begin a thankful series would you be willing to share that in the comment section for this post? If you've begun a series similar to this one would you also let me know?