As silly and bizarre as it sounds I believe I am learning a new art
form; rest. I never expected to force myself to embrace such an action, or lack thereof.
"Rest," was once four little letters sandwiched together that I longed for from November to the first week of May. I have been running from...ppsst, [in hushed tones] you know, the r-word.
The past few weeks have been spent with mod podge in my left hand and a paint brush in my right as my Kari Jobe playlist repeats. It has been a feat of strength to simply rest. I have found myself back tracking to moments in my crazy semester, thinking of the projects I swore I would do when I had time to rest, and I've been trying, in a sense to keep myself busy. It has been quite the little journey transitioning from running all over creation: working, running errands, doing homework, and spending time with friends and family to, not having a to do list what so ever.
As I read Psalm 23, the Lord opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus, "MAKES me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters..." I am no Bible scholar, but I do believe the Holy Spirit shed a little light on the second verse of Psalm 23, because I had always passed it over. I may have a peaceful and calm spirit overall, but He knows me well enough to know that I only rest when forced. I do believe this summer he is a season of pulling a Psalm 23:2, hardcore. He is without a doubt making me lie down, I believe in the green pastures, being the five acres I live on and this summer being a season of quiet waters.
I need to stop leaning on my "genius" idea of what this season is supposed to be look like, feel like, and taste like and simply learn to rest in the green pastures He has provided. As I learn to simply rest here, I pray for and anticipate Him to restore my soul as He said in Psalm 23:3 and to restore yours as well!
"Rest," was once four little letters sandwiched together that I longed for from November to the first week of May. I have been running from...ppsst, [in hushed tones] you know, the r-word.
As I read Psalm 23, the Lord opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus, "MAKES me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters..." I am no Bible scholar, but I do believe the Holy Spirit shed a little light on the second verse of Psalm 23, because I had always passed it over. I may have a peaceful and calm spirit overall, but He knows me well enough to know that I only rest when forced. I do believe this summer he is a season of pulling a Psalm 23:2, hardcore. He is without a doubt making me lie down, I believe in the green pastures, being the five acres I live on and this summer being a season of quiet waters.
I need to stop leaning on my "genius" idea of what this season is supposed to be look like, feel like, and taste like and simply learn to rest in the green pastures He has provided. As I learn to simply rest here, I pray for and anticipate Him to restore my soul as He said in Psalm 23:3 and to restore yours as well!